Sacred Space: The Ultimate 12 Week Decluttering Guide
Kiss the clutter goodbye, cut your cleaning time in half + make room for what matters.
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Sacred Space: The Ultimate 12 Week Decluttering Guide is the simple, proven, step-by-step system for transforming every room of your house into a soulful sanctuary so you can finally have a home that makes you feel blessed instead of stressed. In 12 weeks, you'll go from burn out to bliss and uncover the Sacred Space that's been there all along. Here's what you'll learn:
- A clear, easy, fool proof method for complete room-by-room decluttering
- How minimalism makes motherhood infinitely more manageable, mindful and magical and why savvy moms have simple homes
- Discover why decluttering is the cultural zeitgeist and incredible life hack that will revolutionize your health and home
- The mental, emotional, financial and physical repercussions of having too much stuff
- A quick assessment to help you confidently determine what to keep and what to let go of
- How (and why) to cultivate a minimalist mindset and escape consumer culture
"There is great freedom in simplicity of living. It is those who have enough but not too much who are the happiest." - Peace Pilgrim
This course may change your life. Side effects may include more time, money, energy, peace and relaxation.
This is just a wild ass educated guess*, but...
* something my grandpa used to say
Does constant housekeeping leave no time for nurturing your spirit, engaging in self care, being truly present with your family, or just, ya know... RELAXING?
Are you burned out, anxious, tired and overwhelmed because you can never “get ahead” of all the soul sucking housework?
Are you putting away the dishes/laundry/toys... ALL THE TIME?
Whenever you finally sit down, do you think to yourself “there’s something else I should be doing right now?”
Do you have so much junk and clutter in your line of vision you can’t relax?
Is every horizontal surface in your home covered by stuff? (Take a quick look around.)
Have these thoughts ever crossed your mind: "I should be more organized"... “I should be a better housekeeper" ... "I wish I HAD a housekeeper"?
Well, you're not alone; a survey by the National Association of Professional Organizers found that 54% of Americans are overwhelmed by their clutter and UCLA researchers have known for years that cluttered, messy living spaces lead to stress, depression and anxiety*.
*Research by Darby E. Saxbe, Rena Repetti / UCLA / Society for Personality and Social Psychology
So, while this is a very common (as in, rampant) cultural phenomenon...
It’s not normal, it’s not healthy and it’s taking a toll on your mental and physical health.
It isn't just an unavoidable part of motherhood to feel constantly busy, stressed and overwhelmed with housework. At some point we just gave up and decided to settle, as if this were just an inevitable part of our daily existence. Well, guess what?
It ain't.
It's really no wonder our clutter culture and possession obsession are driving us totally bonkers...
- The average American house size has tripled since the 1950’s. Guess what this means for mothers, especially SAHM’s? Yep, you guessed it, 3 times more space to clean.
- Americans only have 3% of the world’s children but buy 40% of the worlds toys. The average kid only plays with 12 of his toys. Translation: You're spending your precious time purchasing, stepping on and constantly picking up toys your kids don't need... or even want to play with.
- There are 300,000 objects in the average American home
- 25% of the people with two car garages can’t even park inside of them.
- 1 in 10 Americans rents a storage unit.
In other words, we have so much JUNK, we need giant houses, garages AND storage units to contain it all.
“When your home and world are in disarray, you can't relax. It takes more energy to be in chaos because you have to keep track of all the junk. Eventually exhaustion sets in. When you honestly look at clutter and ask if it's necessary in your life, buried emotions come to the surface.... Toss what's unnecessary so that you can finally relax, and your remaining possessions will have a clear place to land.”
- Brooks Palmer
Research by Jeanne Arnold, ULCA Professor of Anthropology, shows an undeniable link between stress hormones in MOTHERS who have a high density of household objects (aka, clutter). The more stuff, the more stress and anxiety women feel. Men, on the other hand, don’t seem bothered by it, which translates into more stress because you feel driven to clean and he doesn’t.
Clutter constantly signals to our brains that our work is never done, and this makes it hard to fully relax.
Clutter inhibits creativity and productivity by invading the open spaces that allow people to think, brainstorm, and problem solve.
Simply put; if it's taking up physical space, it's taking up mental space.
PS: It affects your physical health, too. It’s hard to clean shelves, counters and floors that are always covered in junk, so the dust, pet dander, germs and mold accumulate, leading to an increased risk of allergies and asthma.
Let me show you (step-by-step and room-by -room) how simply decluttering your home can transform your life and radically improve your health and happiness.
My own home looks pretty awesome most of the time and I never worry about people dropping by unexpectedly.
I no longer feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed with household tasks.
it only takes me minutes (instead of hours) to clean my entire 3,000 square foot house ...and now I actually LOVE where I live.
Was life always like this?
Hi! I'm Melynda Smith.
Certified Professional Home Organizer and Minimalist Mom
I know what’s it’s like to be so completely overwhelmed with domestic duties that there’s no time for nurturing your spirit, engaging in self care, relaxing or being truly present with your family.
It got to the point where trying to maintain my home was taking a toll of my mental, emotional and physical health. Especially trying to do it all while pregnant... and still nursing my one year old... while helping my 6 year old with his homework.
Something had to give. Selling the kids to the circus wasn't an option so I had to figure out something else.
The laundry. Sweet Jesus, the laundry. Epic mountains of it... always in transit between hamper/washer/ dryer and on the bed needing to be folded. And nothing was ever DONE, you feel me? I mean, it would be done for about 5 seconds and then... the cycle continued.
#hamsterwheel #groundhogday #needmorewine
The kids made another mess just as fast as I cleaned one up.
Two things played like a tape recorded in my mind: "What's wrong with me?!" and "Other moms are so much better at this." (Sound familiar? And believe me, it's not YOU that's the problem, it's your house.)
Being pregnant with baby #3 and already freaked out about the inevitable amount of increased housework that was to come my way... I researched all kinds of cleaning schedules, organizing hacks, etc. Hmm, this is helpful, I guess...
Then I had a sudden realization that hit me like lightning.
I simply had too much STUFF.
The things I owned, actually owned me.
I was swimming in clutter and junk. THAT was the problem; not my housekeeping skills, lack of organization systems, time management abilities or the size of my home.
You see, the answer was to SIMPLIFY. And by simplify, I mean purge, downsize, declutter, eradicate, remove, expel and get rid of some shit.
And it turned out to be the best idea ever.
The most divine, timely and unexpected blessing I've ever received is awakening to the realization that minimalism was the solution to the chaos, overwhelm and anxiety that I thought was just an unavoidable part of motherhood.
I purged our entire house from top to bottom and it didn't take long to feel the positive impact of living with less. The hallmark of this life change was a complete and utter feeling of relaxation and relief.
I could actually breathe again!
Walking in your front door and feeling relaxed, joyful and proud of where you live
Kissing the clutter GOODBYE... for good
Living in a home that always looks and feels spacious, organized, bright, airy, cheerful
Cutting your housework/cleaning time IN HALF and having a simple, organized and easy to maintain home
That instead of struggling to "get more done" you find that you have less to do
... because this is what happens when you liberate yourself from all the useless junk weighing you down.
SACRED SPACE is for people who know in their heart that having LESS STUFF actually means having MORE...
You won’t BELIEVE how absolutely satisfying it is to look around and see clean, simple, organized counters, closets, shelves and floors! While some may be interested in decluttering for aesthetic reasons (they want their house to look a certain way) ... by far the most rewarding aspect of it this journey is how IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL. Liberated, relaxed, proud, joyful, zen... these are just some of the surprising yet obvious benefits of simplifying your home life. Honestly, it feels like escaping from jail. Sweet, sweet, freedom...
Time is our most valuable asset. As a mother, wife, business owner and coach, I value my time above all else. The MOST amazing thing I learned on my decluttering journey was that the less junk I had, the less I had to clean, tidy up, organize, etc. When you de-clutter, you WILL have more time to nurture the other aspects of your spirit; you are a glorious, multifaceted human being- NOT just a housekeeper. Now, you’ll have the time, space and opportunity to nurture your creative, intellectual or spiritual self and do the things you find fulfilling and worthwhile. (Beach, gym, yoga, read a book, etc.) Best of all, more time spent being truly PRESENT with your family.
When you cut down on clutter, you WILL SAVE MONEY. Washing 300 dishes and 5 loads of clothes every week takes time (and time is money, baby), water, electricity, dish soap and laundry detergent. When you cut down on the unnecessary JUNK and everything it takes to clean, organize and maintain that junk... you’ll save on your grocery, electricity and water bill.
As busy, modern women, it seems like we’re in “go mode” 24/7 and it’s mostly due to all the never ending, soul sucking, tedious housework that comes with owning, storing, cleaning and organizing all of our crap. Having a clutter free, simple home will leave you feeling energized and liberated instead of depleted and exhausted.
It’s nearly impossible to thoroughly clean a home that has objects covering every square foot. All of the dust, pet dander, mold and germs that you can’t reach can take a toll of your family’s health. A de-cluttered home is a more sanitary home.
Everybody wants a home they are proud of. It’s incredible to walk through your front door and feel like you’re entering an oasis, a sanctuary. Your home should be an escape; NOT the thing you're trying to escape from! And let’s be honest; it's also great when people come over and compliment your home. Studies show that women equate tidy homes with a healthy, happy family and life. And let’s face it; you DESERVE a home that makes you feel blessed... not stressed.
Get started now!
"Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become." - Paramahansa Yogananda
Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as you enroll, you’ll have immediate, unlimited, lifetime access to:
12 fun, inspiring + educational modules
that'll guide you through every room and show you how to declutter quickly, confidently and easily. You'll know where the clutter hotspots are and how to tackle them in a strategic way. I've taken all the guesswork out of this + made it so easy, even a cavewoman could do it!
12 beautifully designed downloadable workbooks, checklists + cheat sheets
to help you gain clarity on how you want each room to look, feel and function. You can download, print and use these tools as many times as you like! Each room's workbook is unique because every room has different clutter hotspots and challenges.
Private, members only Facebook community
where you can connect with others to ask questions, share ideas and get support.
Radical Resources
I've made decluttering as easy and pain free as possible by removing ALL of the guesswork and giving you all the tools and resources you could ever need, plus fun extras!
** Brilliant Bonuses ($127 value!) **
Just for fun, I want you to have complimentary access to my entire Wellness Tools Vault. If you were drawn to the idea of Sacred Space, I know you'll love the Zen Mom Manifesto, Soulful Self Care Guide, Moon Phases Calendar and Weekly Meal Planner (just to name a few!)
Get started now!
“Clearing clutter—be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual—brings about ease and inspires a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility.” - Laurie Buchanan, PhD
Whether or not it’s apparent to you, you have (unwittingly) created a monster - a home that leaves you feeling drained, depleted and exhausted. You weren’t always this bitchy, busy and anxious! It’s time to slay the beast and finally find some peace of mind.
The Sacred Space Course is the exact step-by-step system I used to get my own 3,000 square foot house totally, absolutely decluttered in 12 weeks... while hugely pregnant...and with two feral children underfoot, no less.
If you're thinking "But Melynda, only someone skilled in the dark arts could accomplish such a feat!" then let me reassure you that you don't have to be a voodoo priestess...
All you need is a super simple, efficient system, which I am happy to share with you for the price of one hour of therapy.
using a fun, easy, proven system.
The only way to survive modern motherhood is to infuse it with minimalism, mindfulness and magic.
This course will teach you how to do all three.
It's my great pleasure, honor and joy to show you how to cure the clutter and make space for what really matters.
Decluttering your home will take you from burnout to bliss and cut your chores/cleaning time in half. 12 weeks from now, you're going to love where you live and have a house that's totally organized and easy to maintain.
I've taken all of my personal, real life experiences and my training as a Certified Professional Home Organizer and created a program to take you out of overwhelm so you can live in a place that makes you feel blessed instead of stressed.
I know you desire that... but the more important thing to know is that you deserve it!
There's nothing I love more than helping women like you gain the tools, support, resources and wisdom to develop healthy habits to live simply, peacefully and joyfully.
How is the Sacred Space Course different from others out there?
This is about so much more than your possessions; it's about your LIFE; your time, your relationships and how you experience each day. I know you've been "meaning to" clean those closets out and "go through" that junk... but you just can't seem to "get around to it".
You have two choices here:
Keep on being distracted, disorganized and discontent
Hit the button below to start your journey toward intentional minimalism and joyful living.
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Melynda Smith- Ayurvedic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher and Mother of Three! I want to give you my T.E.A. (time, energy and attention) and co-create the space needed for you to listen to the Wise Woman within and activate your Inner Healer. My passion is getting women like you reaquainted with the truest, wildest, best, healthiest version of themselves. When you’re healthy and living authentically, you FEEL GOOD and this feeling of positivity and vitality will turn you into a magnet for all the things you wish to manifest in your life... and allow you to reach your highest potential. I’m available for private sessions at my Jacksonville, Florida office as well as virtually via Skype for worldwide yoga and tele-coaching. Into The Flow, my signature coaching program, is now open for enrollment; click here to learn more!
“Inner alchemy (personal transformation) occurs when we clear our clutter—internal and external—and let go of things that no longer serve us well. This creates balance and space, a place that nurtures contentment, which I believe is true success.” - Laurie Buchanan, PhD